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How to Wear Your Hair for Fall Activities

How to Wear Your Hair for Fall Activities

Cute Hairstyles to Wear for All The Fall Activities

Fall is here! Say goodbye to summer days and long summer nights, and welcome early morning trips to school, gym and work. With the weather getting a bit cooler out, there are a lot of fun things to do outside to enjoy the season!

With all of the fun fall activities to do, the last thing you want to do is try to figure out a cute and practical hairstyle. Fast paced fall requires hairstyles that are no fuss and will take us from a 9 am meeting to our favorite after work spot or little league practice. We have the perfect options to help you create easy fall hairstyles that won't keep you from your fun activities.

Pumpkin/Apple Picking

When you think fall you think pumpkins and apples! For pumpkin and apple picking you’ll want cute hair for all of the pictures you’ll be taking. A fro-hawk is that perfect hairstyle that looks elevated but is actually really easy to achieve. It’s a style that will stay out of your face while you’re outside, but also will look incredible in photos. Our light-to-medium-hold edge control will help slick those sides up without looking too severe.

Go For a Hike

If you live in an area where there’s fall foliage, take advantage of it! Get outside and enjoy the fresh air. With the weather cooling down this is a perfect time to go for a hike and get reacquainted with nature. A simple hairstyle can be practical but also cute. Putting your hair in a ponytail braid is the perfect hairstyle for a hike because it will keep your hair out of your face while you take in the scenery. Be sure to secure those edges with our firm hold edge control so you don’t get any flyaways on your route.

Corn Maze and Hay Ride

Ready to roll up your sleeves? Put your mind to work and get lost in a corn maze, afterwards reward yourself with a hay ride. For this activity you’ll want something off your neck to keep you cool, and out of your face so you can find your way out of the maze. A loose high-bun is a great choice for a hay ride and corn maze! Be sure to leave out some strands for an “I just threw this up without even trying and it looks amazing” look. The daily leave in is the perfect product to accompany a loose high bun because it helps add moisture to your hair while also reducing frizz.

If you try out any of these looks let us know on social media! Tag us on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.
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